We are thrilled to welcome Luke Nio, owner and winemaker at Filomena Wine Company! Luke's journey into wine came subtly at a young age when he moved to Sonoma County, where wine is everywhere. His French-Italian family appreciated wine as well, and he says that his Grandmother (one of the two Filomena's the winery is named after) always had a bottle of bubbles in the fridge. He studied at UC Davis, starting as a biology major then switching to Wine and Viticulture after taking a few entry level winemaking and viticulture classes, and he hasn't looked back since. He has worked at many wineries in the Sonoma area, in Hawkes Bay in New Zealand, and became the Cellarmaster of Bedrock Wine Company before starting his own adventure, Filomena Wine Company.
The tasting will take place on Wednesday, February 9th from 5pm to 7pm. Cost of admittance for the tasting is $20 for the general public, and free for Soif wine club members.