Dear Friends, Neighbors and Patrons,
Although it has been almost 20 years since the doors opened at Soif with a fundraiser for the Cabrillo Festival, time has gone by in a blur - faster than champagne out of a sabered bottle.
2002 seems so recent, so close, just last week. After a long deliberation, I have decided that Soif Restaurant will close its doors at the end of January. The restaurant’s last day of service will be Saturday, 29 January.
Soif Wine Bar & Merchants, aka the retail shop, will remain open and continue to be part of the vibrant community in downtown Santa Cruz – which includes the Terroiriste Wine Club, tastings, and winemaker takeovers. Alexis Carr and Dede Eckhardt will continue to greet, educate, and provision those who are thirsty.
Working with the hundreds of talented, generous, smart, funny, & kind folk who have made food and served both food and drink; who have entertained not only themselves and their colleagues, but the customers and me as well.
Change is good, also inevitable.
I look forward to seeing you downtown!
Patrice Boyle, Owner